Friday, February 22, 2013

A Communitty College is a non profit organization, but I will have to tell me you my experience

The quality of education had being excellent at College of the Rockies’ Tourism and recreation program. Having taken five classes, gave me a wide perspective of Tourism Industry, Environmental Management, Event Planning and Human Resources.
Teachers were the kindest, the most easy going and really instructed. They also had a lot of knowledge and experiences in several places around the world. My instructors were available for students all the time, giving detailed information about the assignments, help with grammar or the grades of our works, per example.
I was Able to meet the CEO at COTR, a very humble and interesting person. It has impressed me a lot how come a CEO could sit and talk with students at the cafeteria normally.
The education at COTR has provided me with a lot of experience in my field. I have learnt to analyze environmental issues and present case studies. Also I planned two events, one intern and other for the industry, I have interview and have had several invited speakers from the field to learn more from hem.
Another thing that impressed me was the technologies, from the intelligent boards till the campus on line and the classes posted on the college’s web site.
I learnt how to use social media and how important it is networking in these times. At the moment I use all the media effectively to grow my network.
The library was incredible, I took all the information I needed for my thesis from there, and it also had the best ambience.
I’m really grateful for the experiences I lived, since the beginning they made us feel welcome, important and loved. They planned trips, activities, parties, etcetera. I have met amazing people from all around the world, Europe, Asia, America, and they are still my friends.
I learnt also a lot about Canadian Culture, how come respect, tolerance, education and culture have created the dreamt environment for everyone. Everybody has a place on society, life is calm and save, I just fell in love with Canada. It has all the facilities to practice all kind of sports and have lots of recreation field and natural tracks.
After my Canadian experience I have found a job at the best hotel on my hometown as a front desk agent. Also I write a blog Inspired on the subjects I learnt at COTR, I can say my English has improved and my knowledge about different cultures is wider.
I cannot do more than thank Canada’s Government for this opportunity. thank my Instructors, the foreign students office for this wonderful experience.

Thank you very much indeed COTR, CanadaGovernment, ELAP program, Instructors and friends!!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tips for Enterpreneurs (Is it so hard?)

First of all, I will give you a link to know what I'm refering to.

This article has being written on the web site of Universidad de Navarra's Business School by Antonio Argandoña, based on a summary that Pablo Ferreiro from la Escuela de Dirección de la Universidad de Piura en Lima and one of the authors of  "Gobierno de las Personas en las Empresas". (By the way I'll make another post about it).

This ideas came from Leonardo Polo, who is a philosopher.

I think we should reflect about this points. I won't translate (I can´t). But I will give my opinion about it.

I work on a service industry, a Hotel as I told you before and I love my job but,

If in order to be ethic and social responsible, the managers shouln't treat us (their employees) like they want us to treat our guests?

If sellers are innovators in order to satify customer's necesities, why are still marketers trying to sell useless things (like a new smartphone for a 92 year old woman). -Lines apart- (By the way I love Carmen Chirinos, her job as executive seller at Libertador Hotel Arequipa and her personality)

If the aim of the enternpreur is to grow and the interest to provide instruction to their employees (very aligned with the mission and vision of the entreship where I work). Why do they only focus on the mistakes? and never in how to solve them?

If the person itself is the priority... why does too many employees feel bad about their work... and why they say we should provide best service when they are thinking just in the revenue?

The finality of the company is the accomplish of the aim of people. The aim is defined by the results and the function is to add value. I'm I the only one who thinks we are living an inhuman society despite all the talk about Social Responsibility?

If the employer is the person who involves other people in proyects; then, why so many employee turnover when they are suposed to act so people will be happier?

If people shouldn't be used as means... why there's no considerations with us and they want us to priorize work before anything?

So if you are a Manager a CEO or have people below your instructions... be loyal if you are looking for loyalty.

How do you fell at work? Is all this feasible?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Why this blog?

When i was a kid I could not think about bad things happening to people, now is 2013, I'm 25 and I cannot think about doing anything for the environment, for people, with love.

I need to tell the story about this amazing people. They are Guy Butcher and Eunice Kratky, meet them at Libertador Hotel in Arequipa ( where I work at front desk and they are my custommers <3.

They are driving an Austin Seven of 1930 from NY via Alaska to Tierra del fuego, their aim is to raise funds to help people in need. They are wishing to raise  £1 million pounds as all the costs will be funded by themselves.

To know about them go to annd They are an inspiration to me, and every time I see them with a smile on their faces I know we would be all happy if we will try  to make others happy.

The blog idea came from Javier Baz
, who works also at Libertador, Hotels, Spas and Resorts . And I was helped and motivated by Connor Neil 

I need to talk about many other people, like my canadian instructors at COTR, without their help I would be writing in spanish.

On the other hand, sorry for all the mistakes I will make through this blog, I'm learning, this is the start of a new experience for me... Always want to be a journalist, good we all have the oportunities now a days.

If you know more about inspiring people, of inspiring histories, please share them with me!!!!!

Thank you!!